Self Driving Cars and Politics
I believe in keeping politics separate from professional subjects, but it is not possible to ignore the elephant in the room anymore. With a Trump presidency, and a republican Senate and House, I am exploring the roadblocks this industry might see. According to the American Trucking Association, there are 3.5 million truck drivers in USA. To automate the process of driving, is to threaten the jobs of these 3.5 million truck drivers. This does not even account for public transport drivers, cab drivers, and ride sharing service drivers.
Will the government block policy disallowing advances in this field? Or is the technology inevitable in nature, where it is simply not possible to keep it from creeping into the industry just because of how convenient it makes the act of driving?
I believe that the strategy that the new administration takes will have a great impact on what happens with this field in the near future. In the long term future however, I believe that autonomous cars are inevitable.