Unmasked and Unburdened


At about 11 AM Eastern Time, a cheer went up all around Atlanta’s gentrified residential neighborhood, as Biden crossed the magic number after 4 days of suspense.

Sure, the hatred for Donald Trump brought together vastly different groups of people. But as celebrations commence, Donald Trump’s near win must not be forgotten.


Obvious: The portion of Trump supporters that are dangerous racist/anti-social elements are not going anywhere! They will regroup, and find a new leader — probably someone more competent, who doesn’t publicly brag about grabbing women by the pussy, understands science well enough to get his supporters to wear masks, who relies on half truths — not just pure lies, and who isn’t enriching his immediate family all the while!

In all seriousness, Trump’s foolishness was heavy baggage for the most twisted of his supporters. With Trump’s loss, they are left with no mask — nimbler, and harder to identify— unmasked, they can be more lethal than ever before. I already see Steve Bannon in the spotlight again. Trump’s loss was just a battle won — The war has merely begun.

Trump didn’t get all 70 million votes from Hitler’s grandkids — so stop generalizing his supporters! Understand what drove some of them there — and if they have legitimate concerns, address them!

With great power comes great responsibility, so get Biden to do a really good job, because if he does not, we might end up hoping that the next person to follow as POTUS is Trump, and not someone more competent.



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